Jim Eaton – Blueprint Realty, Inc.

Color Psychology And Home Design Considerations

When painting a home, review color psychology. Every color arouses different responses. It may also impact how spacious a room appears. Ultimately, it can influence a home’s resale value. Below, I will provide information on color psychology and home design considerations.

Color Psychology

Colors not only have unique interpretations, but they also tend to create certain emotions. There may be some cultural interpretations that vary from this.

  • Purple: Harmonious and Spiritual
  • Yellow: Optimism and Intelligence
  • Blue: Calm and Tranquility
  • Pink: Romantic and Compassionate
  • Green: Optimistic and Fresh
  • Gray: Reserved and Mature
  • Black: Conventional and Sophisticated

Spacial Impact of Colors

The shade of a color might change other elements of a living area. Lighter colors commonly cause a room to feel open and big. This is desirable for narrow rooms. Dark shades make a space seem smaller. It may be used to make a spacious space seem less barren. You can also combine dark and light colors to highlight particular aspects of a room.

Color Home Design Considerations

Before deciding on colors for a house, think about the space of every room and its purpose. What environment would you like to create? This may vary for each room in the home. Think about how one space will transition to the next. All of this is important not only for your personal purposes, but it may also influence how subsequent home buyers will feel when they view your home. Buyers should be able to imagine their belongings in your home, so it is wise to stay away from extreme color schemes when it comes selling time. Understanding resale challenges is one of the most important home design considerations. If you find it challenging planning your room while taking into account color psychology, furnishings, and other factors, you may choose to hire an interior designer.


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Jim Eaton - Blueprint Realty, Inc.